Sunday, February 20, 2011


I've been told several times that when Connor says something cute or funny I need to write it down to remember it. So....
The other night Connor was saying his prayers and he said "Dear God, thank you for hinies and weenies. Otherwise, our tummies would really hurt!" I tried to contain myself and not laugh and he proceeded to thank God for everything he could think of "walls, bed, curtains, underwear, sun, moon". Every once and I while he would stop and ask "pillows, Mommy does God give us pillows?" I would respond with "God gives us everything" and he'd continue on! It is a difficult concept for him which I like because it means he is really thinking about it. Recently his Nana took him to Chic-fil-a and she said "Let's thank God for our lunch before we eat" and he said "Why, did God make these chicken nuggets?". I love that he challenges us so that we really can teach him. Later that day I explained that God created all animals including chickens and that God gave us farmers to take care of the chickens so that one day we could eat them for lunch. I may have need to tip toe around that a little more because he was a little bothered by the fact that he had eaten the farmer's chickens. He has since eaten Chic-fil-a so apparently it didn't bother him too bad but this time he did thank God for his chicken nuggets!


Mommy & Daddy took me to see Madagascar Live this weekend. It was a lot of fun. I got Alex the Lion stuffed animal, a new t-shirt and got my face painted just like Alex the Lion. The lady who painted my face did such a good job and she did it so fast too. Aren't I cute!?! Madagascar was really funny but I didn't not like Julian the sassy lemur. He kept throwing this little squirly animal and that is mean so I didn't like him. We got cotton candy and fruit snacks that were so yummy. We sat beside this nice little girl who told me she didn't eat sugar. What else is there to eat I wonder??


I am such a cutie, aren't I! Mommy said this haircut made me look all grown up. I'm getting so smart too. Every time I meet someone new they always comment about how clear I talk for a 3 year old. The other day at school I showed my class at school what to do if there is a fire at their house. I told them how to call 911 and what to tell them so that the firefighters would know how to help them (address, # of people in the house, etc). I also showed them how to touch door handles to see if they are hot before opening them, how to crawl under the smoke and how to STOP DROP AND ROLL if you get fire on you. Then I told them to have a "SAFE SPOT" outside the house where you go until the firefighters get there. My teachers were very impressed and said they were going to get me to show the big kids at my school what to do too.

Tractor time!

Daddy took me to drive the tractors at grandaddy CW's one day. It was FUUUUUNNNN! We drove all over the place and Daddy let me steer all by myself. It was awesome! Mommy sat inside because she said she was a nervous wreck. I don't know what she was so nervous ~ we didn't wreck!