Santa came to see me!!!! He brought me exactly what I asked for. I got a Thomas the train set, a Santa train, a cheeseburger and cash register (McDonalds play set), movies, puzzles, cars, Diego toys, a fishing rod, and much more. I played ALL morning. I LOVE SANTA!!! My uncle David had made me a train table so Santa put my train on that ~ it was perfect. I wonder how long I have to wait until Santa comes again?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Gingerbread House AKA Mickey's House!

Mommy and I made a gingerbread house today! Mommy took care of the construction and once it was a house I DECORATED!!!! I ate lots of the icing and the candy while we were making it ~ YUMMY! Mommy said I did a REALLY good job ~ I was trying really hard!! Isn't it BEAUTIFUL!!!
We have this new elf, Mickey, staying with us until Christmas. He's our "elf on the shelf" and Mommy and Daddy say he reports back to Santa every night so I have to be REALLY good! I made this gingerbread house for him. I'll definitely get good presents from Santa now!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
All I Want for Christmas!
Mommy and Daddy and I watched Christmas movies this weekend and now I know ALL about Santa. I've been telling him what I want for Christmas and I even wrote him a list. Mommy said she would email him everything to make sure he doesn't miss anything. I can't wait until Santa comes. Mommy says I have to wait until Christmas Eve but I don't even know when that is ~ I hope it's soon. I hope Santa doesn't forget my cheeseburgers!!
PeeeeUuuuuuu! Stinky Pits!
I've seen Mommy and Daddy put deodorant on every day and now I want to!! I know how so I don't know why they won't let me. Here's me showing my skills of applying deodorant.
Santa Visit
Mommy and Daddy took me to see Santa Claus! I was very excited while we were waiting in line and promised Mommy and Daddy I would sit in Santa's lap. Mommy even bought some jelly beans for bribery. When it was my turn I was NER-VOUS!!!! I was so scared to sit in his lap. Once I got down I talked to him and told him what I wanted. I told him "cheeseburger, choo choo train, Diego, baby jaguar, baby dragon, and candy". He said he'd remember and gave me a hat and a coloring book. I really liked Santa and next year I'll do better.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Deck the Halls!
O Christmas Tree!
Thanksgiving ~ Gobble, Gobble!
My New Bike!
Chugga chugga choo choo ~ I'm turning 2!!
Whoooohoooo! It's my birthday!!! We had a party and Mommy made a Thomas the train cake. It had train tracks and everything!!! I got so many awesome presents and got to see lots of my family. Mommy and Daddy got me a Thomas the train tent and a JumpOLene and we got to jump in it. It was so much fun. I love birthdays!!
Tick or Treat!
I was a TRAIN ENGINEER for Halloween! I love trains so it was perfect!! Aidan and his Mommy and Daddy came over and we had a Halloween PAR-TAY!! Mommy made a jack-o-lantern cake and Aunt Jamie made chili. We went to the costume contest and stinkin' Robin Hood won :( Then we went trick or treating and we got lots of candy. Aidan and I figured it out pretty quickly. If the light is on knock on the door and they'll give you candy. Some houses even had buckets of candy just sitting on their doorstep ~ nice!!!! Then we went back to our house and watched cartoons in our jammies and had a snack. Mommy was so tired she made a bed on the floor and we pretended to go to sleep! We had such a fun day!
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