Alright there is no easy way to tell this story like Connor is saying it so....Mommy's telling this story. Tonight we had absolutely nothing in the house to cook. We had hot dogs, no buns and lots of canned goods. We were too lazy to go pick up anything so we made beanie weenies with a can of homestyle baked beans and hot dogs. I was a little distraught about feeding this to him since we try really hard to give him healthy food but anyway!!
We will be giving it to him again because he was absolutely adorable eating it. I had told him a few times that Daddy was making beanie weenies so he knew what he was eating. He would pick up a bean and say "beanie?" and then pick up a hot dog and say "weenie?". I confirmed his discovery and giggled a little at how cute it was that he had figured out why they were called what they are called. He continued to do this is he ate identifying each thing that he put in his mouth one by one.
Suddenly he looked very confused and bothered. He handed me whatever it was that was concerning him and said "trash"! It was the bacon piece that they put in the beans. How very adorable that he thought someone had put trash in his beanie weenies and that obviously it must be trash since "bacon" is no where in the name of what he is eating. I guess he would have just eaten it if the name would have been bacon beanie weenies!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Playin' In the "Poo" with "Ainan"!!!

"Ainan" and I have had a lot of fun this summer. He has a "Yittle (little) poo (pool) at his hise (house) that we like to pay (play) in!" We go down the little slide face forward and everything. Aidan is a little daredevil. I love filling up the pool with the water hose but sometimes it just stops working. I guess it runs out of water or something. Here's a picture of me trying to find the water inside the water hose and another of me and Aidan just playing. Aren't we cute in our little swimming trunks!!!
MMM MMM GOOD....... I think :)

Man, I love lemons.....well, "yaemas" like I like to call them! Whenever Mommy and Daddy take me out to eat I IMMEDIATELY want to dig the yaemas out of their "wawas" (waters) and demolish them! Mommy said I'm not supposed to eat the rind but I love that part too. I generally stick the entire thing in my mouth and the faces begin!! Mommy caught me with a good face in this pic. The waitress thought it was the funniest thing she had ever seen and kept wanting to bring me more. Mommy and Daddy cut me off though.
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